Video Of The Day!

Silent Hill Downpour 2012 | Xbox-360 | Trailer | RIP/GOD

Silent Hill Downpour | Xbox 360 | ISO | JTAG/RGH
Silent Hill Downpour | Xbox 360 | ISO | JTAG/RGH

Silent Hill Downpour | Xbox 360 | ISO | JTAG/RGH
Silent Hill Downpour | Xbox 360 | ISO | JTAG/RGH
Silent Hill Downpour | Xbox 360 | ISO | JTAG/RGH


Can you survive in the world of Silent Hill? If you have played the previous installments, you probably know the caliber of this game and how amazing it is! So you better watch your choice on this one!

Silent Hill: Downpour is a survival-horror game by Konami and Vetra Games. The game has been released in 2012 for consoles like PS3 and Xbox-360 and also for PC exclusively. The game is part of the Silent Hill video game series and holds a great position in the franchise. The game has only single player mode but the story is pretty much intense and live. You must be ready for  everything in the game and to be that person, you must be fearless!

Taking on the game-play of the game, the main objective of the game this time is to guide a prisoner out of the Silent Hill where monsters have now taken control! Through the third-person perspective, the player gets the ultimate experience of a survival environment where anything can happen. The main focus of the game is exploration, a bit of combat and puzzle-solving. The combat side of the game hasn't changed much but to carry a melee weapon that can be used in close encounters. Moreover, the game is a great shot and must be played at-lest for once to take the ultimate adventure of the game.

The game will now actually change on the choice of the player. Whether, the player wants to take this chance or to save a non-player character that can change the game completely, so the choice is all yours!




Graphics Card --- Geforce GTX 660
Processor --- Core i3 - 2500K 3.3 Ghz Intel
RAM --- 4 GB
OS --- Win 7 64 Bit OS
Space Required --- 2 GB

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